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How to Write a Perfect CV: 7 Steps to Achieve a Great One!

Your CV, or curriculum vitae, whichever you prefer, is much more than just a piece of paper stating your background, education, experiences and so on. It's the first thing a recruiter or a potential employer sees about you, it represents you and makes the first impression, which we all know the importance of, therefore it better be good.!

You might be entering a big pool of candidates, many with as much expertise and hunger for the position as you. Creating a beautiful first impression via a personally created perfect CV might take you one step ahead of the others when reaching for your dream job.

laptop office worker | my perfect cv

Writing a perfect CV is not a rocket science, and I am sure each one of you is capable of curating one, however it needs proper structure, key elements and a personal touch, which believe me, a potential employer or recruiter appreciates and that sets you apart from all people trying to insert a touch of AI / ChatGPT, that might in fact take you further away from the ideal look than you think.

Understanding the Purpose of a Perfect CV:

This is what we mentioned above already. A perfect CV is your chance of nailing the first impression in front of potential future employers or a recruiter in the UK. It gives you a chance to present yourself in the best possible way, while remaining truthful of your skills and capabilities.

Think about the CV sample as a perfect advert of yourself, the potential employer is the buyer and you want to sell it. I'm sure you agree it should look the best possible.

Within a private / household industry, there are niche key benefits all employers are looking for.

Have a look at our blog post "What Qualities Are Employers Looking For?" which explains the top five elements you should practice, that will bring your employer added value to their household. Quite essential in the industry.

How To Compose A Good CV?

Every CV should start with your contact information. You wouldn't believe how many times I encountered CV without full name or address. So please, bear that in mind. You should include your full name - the one you have on your passport. If that's too difficult to pronounce and you go under a shorter version, please include that in coma, after your name. This is how you start to compose a good CV.

CV of an applicant showing photo | how to write a perfect cv UK

There are many controversial views on having a photo on the CV, I personally stand for strong YES! The Household & Private industry is a unique one and having a photo on the CV adds value to the application and it makes the CV perfect. It should however be a professional looking head-shot, not a selfie, not a photo for social media or your friends. If you decide to include one on the top of your CV, bear in mind it needs to look professional.

You can see a perfect cv example in the left side.

Personal statement should be followed. I would like to put extra emphasis onto this part, it should be written personally. Potential employers or recruiters such as me want to know the real you, your story, your strengths and objectives. Your view of the future in the position and what can you bring to the role that makes you stand out from the other applicants. That's how I also created my perfect CV for seeking job in the UK.

For example, you are a nanny applying for a role within a private family where you know there's a dog and that dog requires some of the employee's attention.

If you are a dog lover, take this information, tailor it and sell it.

Don't be just one of many with a personalized statement not truly expressing yourself. You can't make a perfect cv if you don't know how to be honest yourself.

Following your statement, we come to your experiences. Make a list in reverse chronological order (the newest at the top). State your role, dates worked at the position, family's name (if not bound by confidentiality), duties and responsibilities. Try to be explicit and express all you've done at that position, but don't overdo it and write a novel. Shortish but expressive can lead you to make a perfect CV.

Afterwards comes your education. This means the proper educational institution you visited, no online courses etc. Again in reverse chronological order.

Course class, training for adults | how to compose a good cv

Now we come to the second educational part, that you need to make sure you include

properly and that's your Certifications, Courses and Further Education Achievements. Please list every one of them and don't forget to put there a date of accomplishment and whether there's an expiry date, for example First Aid Course.

You should have a copy of each certificate in PDF or JPG file ready if the potential employer or recruiter asks you for a proof.

Lastly, include reference contact info with each position you worked at. You might have lost touch with some / they changed their telephone number or email, but make sure you include as many as possible to make your cv perfect. Great references go a long way! You can get your desired job in the UK, if you can put little more efforts to make a perfect CV.

If you have a lovely reference letter, you can include part of it at the bottom of this section.

Resume, CV | perfect CV

Now, let's have a look at Additional Aspects.

How To Make A Perfect CV For the Job:

Every job is unique, so your CV should be too. Customize your CV for each application and focus on the skills and experiences you have that align with the job specifications.

Most recruiters usually dispose of CVs that are generally written, unpersonalized, without any determination on the writer's side to actually get the job.

I understand that sending ten to fifteen CVs per day when you are applying for a job is a big number, but tweaking your CV and paying attention to each job role and it's description pays off and you will have more chance of being invited for an interview than if you blindly send the same copy of CV to twenty ads.

Showcasing Achievements and Responsibilities:

When listing your work experience, emphasize your accomplishments and responsibilities. Use examples and explanations.

If you are for example a Personal Assistant and alongside many other responsibilities, you were in charge of moving your principal's household (in his absence to maximize the comfort), put that down! It's a big achievement to coordinate this action and I love to see accomplishments such as written down! These are some important steps which can make CVs perfect.

Highlighting Your Skills:

Your skills section should reflect both technical and targeted onto the job role (for example: culinary skills, techniques and use of equipment / nanny - knowledge and skills to introduce sleeping routine, potty training ) and soft skills (communication, problem-solving, teamwork, etc.).

However you always need to be honest about your abilities.

Don't feel ashamed or pushed into writing some aspects you have not mastered...YET :) There's always a space for improvement and staying truthful to yourself and your potential employer gets recognised.

Making a Strong First Impression with Your Personal Statement:

I have already mentioned this above and I would like to repeat, the importance of writing this section PERSONALLY (and tailored to the job role & description) is immense to your CV perfect!

I, as a recruiter, want to know where you stand at your career stage, what got you there, what's your dream for the future and more.

This is your opportunity to send a personalized message to the recruiter or potential employer, and it will be one of the most valued parts of your CV.

Formatting and Design Tips:

Alongside the content of your CV is the formatting and overall look.

Equally important to make the CV perfect! You can have the best content but if it looks messy, using different fonts, spacing between columns and more, your CV will be put aside.

Keep your CV clean and professional with a consistent font and formatting style. Helpful is also using bullet points to break up text, this enables easier reading. You have to be confident that this is " my perfect CV "

Proofreading and Editing Your CV:

Errors can tarnish your chances. Proofread your CV multiple times, ensure correct grammar, spelling, and consistency. You can use various programs for this, including simply putting the text into Google mail draft. Google will highlight your spelling mistakes and consistency.

Also consider giving your draft to your family member / friend to read and see their feedback as a 3rd party observer.

Dos and Don'ts To Make A Perfect CV:

  • Do: Be concise, use bullet points, tailor your CV, and be truthful.

  • Don't: Include irrelevant information, use unprofessional email addresses, provide false information, or simply let the AI write the CV for you.

Writing the perfect CV is a breeze with our helpful guide.

Remember, your CV is a dynamic document that should evolve as your career progresses. Update it on a regular basis to reflect your latest accomplishments and experiences.

Explore our related post, offering insights into the employer's interview process. Prepare in advance for your interview with this guide and ace the interview which secures your dream job!

It was a pleasure writing this blog post and hopefully, you will find all the points helpful in your case!

Your dream job could be just one well-written CV away! Keep in touch with us, we will post or share about perfect CV sample or perfect CV template in near future.


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