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A Comprehensive Guide to Training Household Staff in 7 Essential Steps

Whether you are new to employing household staff or have previous experience, new employee/s cannot know the dynamic and method of work in your household, that's why we've put together 7 Key Steps for Training New Domestic Staff Members.

Hope this guide helps you navigate your training process and for ongoing support, check our post How to Keep your Staff (&you) Happy.

''There is only one thing worse than training employees and losing them, and that's not training them and keeping them.'' – Zig Ziglar

1) Communicate Expectations and Procedures

3) Show & Demonstrate the Use of Necessary Tools

7) Address any Performance Issues


Step 1: Communicate Expectations and Procedures

Clearly communicate the expectations for performance, behaviour and professionalism. Explain the specific tasks the new employee will be responsible for in detail and any guidelines and protocols they need to follow.

It is helpful to provide written materials, such as manuals, checklists, timetables and guidelines which the staff can refer to later as well. These materials can serve as refreshment of the knowledge thy have already been provided with by you.

For example, set a day of week you want your bed linens changed and how often should it be done; if you have time of the day preferred for more noisy work such as hoovering, state clearly when is that; inform the new employee about any requirements such as wearing uniform, having regular breaks and state available place for those; communicate any policy if employee is late for work and so on. It’s important to give the new employee as many information which you find important as possible without the effect of overloading them, therefore, try to keep it simple and informal.

If there’s well established member of your team who is familiar with all / some sections of efficient training, you can facilitate some of the tasks onto them (aka new housekeeper working alongside established housekeeper for few days).

Step 2: Provide a Guided Tour Around Your Household

Begin the training process with an orientation session to introduce new staff members to the household, it’s routines and other household staff. Familiarise them with the physical layout of the property and provide an overview of the household’s expectations and standards.

If there any requirements such as turning off household alarm when coming to work, now would be the time to teach the new staff how to do so and provide the needed tools for it.


Emphasize about the importance of confidentiality and respect for privacy needed within your household.

Step 3: Show & Demonstrate the Use of Necessary Tools

If there are any tools required for performance of duties, that can be vacuum cleaner, juicer, coffee machine, iPad and more, show the new member of staff how to use it correctly – this involves usage, emptying and cleaning if necessary.

It is helpful to provide manuals for tools that are not straight forward.

iPad with recipe on kitchen counter

Step 4: Demonstrate and Observe

Show the new staff member how to perform their duties by demonstrating the correct techniques and procedures.

Pay attention to explaining methods, products and equipment that are needed for specific tasks.

Example for housekeeper: dealing with delicate laundry, polishing silver and brass and cleaning delicate natural stones in bathrooms.

Example for nanny: morning routine, dealing with a child's cry and so on.

If possible, allow them to observe experienced staff member in action and encourage them to ask questions and seek clarification at the very start of the employment. Observing senior staff members can help them to understand best practices and gain practical insight.

Step 5: Hands-on Household staff Training

Provide hands-on training by allowing new staff member to practice their tasks under supervision. This can include tasks such as cleaning specific areas, setting tables, organising belongings or preparing meals.

Offer guidance and feedback throughout the process to help them improve their skills and efficiency.

Step 6: Offer On-going Support

Training is an ongoing process therefore remember to provide ongoing support and guidance as staff members settle into their roles.

Schedule regular reviews / check-ins and to address any concerns they might have and provide constructive feedback to help them improve their performance and stay happy in their employment.

Step 7: Address any Performance Issues

This goes hand in hand with constructive feedback. If you are not satisfied with the employee's performance, let them know the problem, provide constructive feedback and let them work on their improvement.

Don’t keep quiet expecting your employee to change without knowing the issue.

Create a Home Where Excellence Thrives

It was our absolute pleasure to put together this simplified guide in order to help any employer of household staff with their training routine.

By embracing these steps you can empower your team and cultivate a harmonious and efficient household.

Start training your staff with confidence and witness the transformative impact it has on your household!


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